Be Smart about your Money when you Travel

Access the best exchange rates and make sure you don't end up paying expensive bank charges, commissions and fees when you travel abroad.

Sign up today to receive a FREE MyTravelCash currency exchange card.

Your MyTravelCash card will give you:

  • A Prepaid MasterCard® - accepted globally by over 28 million merchants and 1.5 million ATMs, denominated in either Euros or Dollars
  • Better exchange rates - our rates are better than you would get on the high street, at bureaux de change, or if you use your regular debit or credit cards.
  • Peace of mind - you know what exchange rate you are getting - and there are no commissions, no expensive bank charges and no nasty surprises when you get back home.
  • The knowledge that you have joined thousands of other people worldwide in accessing the best exchange rates possible - while protecting your main account back home when you travel.

It is very easy to load money onto your card, and to withdraw money from your card.

SIGN UP TODAY TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE CARD - simply load up £30 on the card to get started, and choose whether you require Euros or Dollars.

"Having been in the holiday industry for over 20 years, MyTravelCash is the perfect way for people to take money on holiday with them. I thoroughly recommend it to all my customers."

- Steve Endacott,
  CEO, On Holiday Group

Keeps you Safe

  • " Market leading exchange rates
  • " 0% Commission and free card*
  • " No charge for purchase transactions